IoT blog inauguration

IoT blog inauguration

We are happy to launch this blog dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT), M2M (machine to machine) and specially the industrial tendency in which we are specialized, the so called Industrial Internet of Things or Industry 4.0.

Our goal is to share our thoughts about market tendencies, so that we can all analyze the implications of the trends, how they can be of benefit for companies and society, and how they can be approached from an IT perspective.

We also want to teach about the interesting discoveries we make from time to time when working with customers, and they set design and integration challenges. These discoveries may come in the form of new business processes for a specific market, or barriers built up by habits through time.

But… Who are we?

We are a grown up company with more than 10 years in the market, where we started as entrepreneurs in the recently born –at those moments– M2M technology.

Since then we have helped companies from nearly-every vertical market create wireless solutions, using M2M communications, integrate their industrial things with their business processes.

Now, because we want to become part of the growing Internet of Things wave, we have increased our presence on Social Media networks for opening new communication channels with other companies, professionals and people with interest and curiousness about the Internet of Things. You can follow us on Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube.

So join us, read, share and comment. We hope we make the blog as appealing and interesting as we think it should be, and we are expecting your participation to improve everyone’s knowledge of the IoT. Feel free to send us a suggestion or topics ideas to talk about. Read us every week!

Thank you very much for your attention! Happy reading!

