I am a person, not a resource- David Fernández at CAS

events news
I am a person, not a resource- David Fernández at CAS

Between today and tomorrow is celebrating the CAS 2015 Conference Agile Spain. An annual event brings together people living in software development in order to find synergies of collaboration for further progress towards a better market. This event takes place in the Fine Arts Circle in Madrid. This conference consist of several sessions based on Developing People, Improving People, Building a Team, Delivering Product and Transforming Organization.

Our colleague David Fernández, Scrum Master and Software Engineer at our company, is speaking about “I’m a person, (not a resource)” at 12.00 pm room Deiser after Ángel Medinilla session “Managing the change and cultural hacking”. In this case, David won’t talk about his experience as Scrum Master and Software Engineer as he did at Codemotion but as “An Individual of human species” that doesn’t feel a resource of anything or anyone. He will give us his opinion about the presenteeism at work, how the quality of life influences in a bigger productivity of employees… Software development is not an assembly line, it deals deeply with assignments that are not mechanicals. People are not just resources, are much more powerful and valuable to be cherished as the greatest asset available to companies.

One of our values for people who work at amplía))) is offering them a schedule that fit their lifes. They do their best on the job and take care of their families and themselves. People who want to change the world, who is committed to our value and works hard every day to achieve the amplía’s goals and their dreams. We Think, Feel and Growth as a Human being. We want to change the world like our employees, people who love software and contribute with their designs, actions and illusions to live in a better world. Would you join us to achieve this goal? Go for it! :)