Industrial Internet of Things applied to Energy Efficiency in T3chfest

events news
Industrial Internet of Things applied to Energy Efficiency in T3chfest

Carlos Javier Prados Hijón, CTO at amplía))) participates in T3chFest event with a conference “Industrial Internet of Things applied to Energy Efficient” Track 3 from 10.15 to 10.45 on 11th February in High Polytechnic School at the University Carlos III. This event is related to Computer Science and focuses on sharing knowledge, expertise, ideas with other professionals. It aims to increase the visibility of projects that are being deployed in different industries.

Carlos will be giving a 30 min talk explaining the concept of the Internet of Things, its evolution and the revolution we live with M2M and IoT solutions. He will also talk about remote control and monitoring the environment we live in and how companies can optimize their consumption and quality of energy with a secure, scalable and reliable solution for Energy Efficiency.

Thanks to our partner, Neuronalia and the MetScale end to end cloud solution that collects automatically electrical measures, you can visualize your power consumption and track the energy peaks and loads per day, weeks, months and years. In addition, MetScale helps you to analyse signal quality or detect malfunctions. 

A successful project manager, Carlos will speak about the technologies and methodologies applied in some of the projects he was involved in.

We invite you to attend this conference and spend a great time with Carlos. The entrance is free until full seating capacity. Don’t miss it! 

See How OpenGate and MetScale integrated as a solid IoT Solution in  Energy Efficiency 

Read more information about T3chFest and the program here 

Enjoy the conference!