UST Global Spain joins with Amplía to boost the Internet of Things solutions

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UST Global Spain joins with Amplía to boost the Internet of Things solutions

As the Internet of Things penetrates in nearly every aspect of companies, cities and people’s life, it is becoming increasingly important to solve many critical needs. From IT solutions to business workflows, the high demand on secure, reliable and scalable application require System Integrators to adapt and specialize in what the IoT ecosystem implies.

UST Global Spain and Amplía have agreed to collaborate and bring to the market the most of their expertise, knowledge and skills. This way, UST will deliver first class enterprise solutions, where scattered devices are sending information to corporate systems, with the help of amplia´s OpenGate IoT platform. While OpenGate provides out-of-the-box horizontal features, UST will dedicate to PMO, integration, business process adaption, SAP…

The benefits that this partnership provides is summarized in two main points: reduction in time and cost of the project delivery, and adoption of experienced and trusted best practices and solutions. The partnership targets four main sectors where a big amount of devices are present: Telecom, Utilities, Smart Cities and e-Health, although any vertical is open to collaboration.