Amplía will be exhibiting OpenGate at Embedded World

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Amplía will be exhibiting OpenGate at Embedded World

Come over to our Booth Hall 4-670

amplía))) will be present at Embedded World on 14-16 March in Nuremberg, one of the biggest exhibitions for embedded systems in the world. A great place to see new device manufacturers, gateways, PLCs, service providers, electronic systems, Internet of Things solutions…all together in this exhibition! Cool!

In this event, we will show the new version of our Industrial IoT Platform, OpenGate, which has new important features to allow you:

Analyze business performance with a combination of the various data gathered by our platform • Measure OEE remotely to help improve performance, quality, and availability • Self-customize data analysis, adapting the new interface visually to the data managed • Integrate and automate business processes with the automated interaction with remote devices and machines

Visit us at pavilion 4 booth 670. Meet our staff to arrange a meeting to see how to add value to your portfolio with our Device Management Solution measure overall efficiency using our IoT platform OpenGate, send us an email to [email protected].

Stay tuned next weeks!