Rafael Morillo participates at IoT Madrid Forum 2017

events news
Rafael Morillo participates at IoT Madrid Forum 2017

Our director, Rafael Morillo, will be present in the discussion panel “IoT Projects a Marketplace in IoT” from 10.10 to 10.50 in IoT Madrid Forum 2017, an international event about the IoT market. The second edition of this event celebrates on 26 April in Westin Palace Hotel.

Jean Triquet, CEO at IoT Projects, will speak about how he has founded this company as a place where end customers who require high-quality IoT products and services can meet device manufacturers and IoT Platforms Providers to boost and take advantage of its IoT solution in the market.

After that, he will moderate the discussion “Marketplace in Internet of Things” where Amplía, BQ Mobile and Cognitive Corporate Finance will accompany Triquet. First of all, Rafael Morillo, CEO at Amplía, will explain the amplía))) vision about the importance of ecosystem management in IoT, as well as the role that the Marketplace plays in it.

Secondly, BQ Mobile Smart Agriculture Manager, Jorge Luis Loza, will expose its vision as a manufacturer of devices in relation to its application in intelligent agriculture, explaining the advantages that IoT Projects offers to market their products. Finally, Charles Thoma, CEO at Cognitive Corporate Finance, will communicate the experience of his organization collaborating with IoT Projects in the provision of the search service for investors.

Join the conversation at IoT Madrid Forum 2017! Looking forward to seeing you there!

You can get more information about the event and the agenda on this website www.iotmadridforum.com
