Amplía teams up with Sigfox to boost good tracking

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Amplía teams up with Sigfox to boost good tracking

As result of this collaboration, the companies have presented an IoT solution that allows registering the location and status of the assets and massively and remotely access information on the devices

Amplía, OpenGate IoT Platform Provider, has joined Sigfox, a leading provider of low power and low-cost connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT), to develop a comprehensive, global and massive solution for the monitoring of any type of merchandise.

Thanks to the combination of both technologies, companies can obtain the location of their assets in real time, view their location on a map, remotely collect all types of events and access information on all their devices instantly. It also allows access to the history of the data, something especially useful in making business decisions.

“Monitoring the status of assets in real time is key for the industry, since it not only facilitates the detection of incidents, minimizing their impact, but also helps to locate points of improvement that configure a more profitable experience for the client”, explains Rebecca Crowe, Spain Country Manager at Sigfox. “Thanks to the support and versatility of OpenGate, and our low-power, low-cost connectivity, we have been able to configure a solution that will significantly simplify and expedite merchandise management.”

These are the main functions to which the IoT solution of Sigfox and Amplía gives access:

  • Visualize your routes in an exact way, being able to see the route the goods take and where they are at any time.
  • Analyze online and in real time the routes to know if the marked route is being followed or if there is going to be a delay.
  • Control the quality of the supply chain by monitoring the temperature cycle and detecting vibrations, shocks or any other parameter that may affect the merchandise.
  • Issue alarms in case the quality of the supply is not within the minimum parameters established.

Javier Martínez, director at amplía))): “This collaboration is key to amplía))), since it allows to offer solutions that until now were difficult to make due to the low return of investment offered to customers. The key points to enable these solutions are the cost savings in communications, the long life of the batteries, and the single rate without roaming. All these make possible adjusted costs in the devices and in the overall solution”.