Monitoring water dispensers to optimise their delivery in real time

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Monitoring water dispensers to optimise their delivery in real time

Through the IoT platform OpenGate, the client can obtain the management, monitoring, localisation and store of data at any time; useful data for the production, consumption and delivery of water dispensers.

Amplía and Ingeniatic have developed a system to monitor water dispensers to exactly measure water consumption and optimise the delivery of dispensers in clients’ real time.

The pilot project is being conducted with Acquajet, a supplier of water sources and dispensers in two companies based in the Murcia region. The project began with two water dispensers and by the end of this year, the system will be deployed in 100 water dispensers.

Each water dispenser has two devices installed. Firstly, a sensor that sends information through Sigfox connectivity about the water capacity of the dispenser and secondly the device’s battery.

The platform OpenGate developed by amplía))) is connected with the Gateway that collects information from the device and enables the obtainment of an inventory of dispensers,visualisation of them on a map, knowledge of their status, their water consumption. Clients can also be informed when new dispensers must be delivered to improve hot and cold water production which optimises the delivery of dispensers.

In the near future, Ingeniatic could incorporate humidity sensors in these devices to determine if they reach required hot and cold water temperature levels, even monitoring the dispensers in real-time.

With this solution Amplía and Ingeniatic want to apply the IoT technology for Acquajet to reduce its costs, improve its service in the delivery of hot and cold water dispensers, monitoring hot and cold temperatures in real time. This technology definitely provides significant benefits and value compared to its competitors.