Amplía’s Technology in the Clever Care platform for the care of the elderly at their homes

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Amplía’s Technology in the Clever Care platform for the care of the elderly at their homes

The Appogeo Digital’s smart technology platform which collaborates Amplía, Huawei y FUNTESO.

The development of the platform technologic (cCare) for the care of the elderly people at their homes is possible thanks to Huawei, FUNTESO and Amplía. They have put together their technologies, devices and communication to the service of Appogeo Digital, owner of the platform, to monitore these people that live alone at their homes. They also contribute to improving their social and emotional welfare with technology.

According to the Home Continuous Survey of INE ( National Institute of Statistics), in our country, there were 4.793.700 people living alone, and from this 2.009.100 (a 41,9%) were over 65 in 2019. In addition, Spain is the third elderly country with 82,83 años and it will increase in the upcoming years. In this context, technology facilitates the way to obtain more efficient and customized services to improve the elderly’s quality of life, guarantee their security and their health and offer specific, transparent and historical information to their relatives and family.

With this objective, cCare was created, an application that is accessed with a mobile device where you can visualize data and parameters related to the physical, social and emotional health of the elderly. In addition, it will generate emergency alerts that will connect directly to the emergency services, requiring their assistance and providing all the information; notification of incidents that may require the family’s action and all the information collected on the parameters previously agreed with the family.

Through our OpenGate platform, which allows the monitoring of all the elderly and the data collection from smart wearables, we can extract information about the amount of oxygen in the blood, its sugar levels, or its pulsations, among other parameters. The cCare App sends the data from the sensors and the gateway to OpenGate and it processes the information with the new rule engines and distributes it to the mobile terminals where this information is displayed easily and intuitively for the elderly themselves, their families or caregivers. Thus, there is a reliable control and monitoring of their health, offering calm, trust and security to their families.