amplía))) third year referenced in MachNation's 2020 IoT device management scorecard

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amplía))) third year referenced in MachNation's 2020 IoT device management scorecard

Happy to announce that we have been referenced in MachNation’s 2020 IoT Device Management Scorecard that provides the 13 best vendors of IoT Device Management Platform in the world. In the last four editions we have managed to maintain excellence and appear in the last three editions together with large companies such as Amazon, Bosch, Microsoft, PTC, Particle, etc.

In the words of MachNation analyst Josh Taubenheim, “Companies that recognize the importance of excellent device management practices at every level of their implementation have more compelling IoT solutions overall. Evaluate winning strategies for companies against trends provides a great understanding of what businesses and the world of IoT consider the best large-scale device management capabilities.”

This study performs a technical analysis of the industry’s leading vendors, a review of product capabilities, SDK, API, and documentation to help businesses and service providers manage sensors, devices, and gateways on a large scale.

amplia referenced in Matchnation 2019 IoT Device Management Scorecard

More information about MatchNation’s report can be founded here