Monitor and manage IoT & M2M infrastructures
Provision and manage the whole life-cycle of your devices
With OpenGate Digital Assets Management solution you will have all necessary tools to take advantage of the OpenGate IoT Platform capabilities that are centered in monitoring, management and provisioning of your devices and other intermediate elements. Whether it’s a few, or hundreds or millions, you’ll have the ability to manage all of them in a simple and intuitive way.
Manage, monitor and update all your connected IoT and M2M devices remotely, in a secured and centralized way
So many IoT solutions incorporate even millions of devices as a part of their architecture, being it necessary to provision, manage, monitor and remotely update all of them, in a scalable and secure way.

Collection and normalization
Take advantage of the collected data by your devices removing the complexity because of the variety of protocols, hardwares, firmwares, etc. in IoT solutions

Incorporate the necessary procedures to avoid inherent risks related to IoT and M2M connectivity, such as: encryption, auditing, access control or device integrity

Real-time control
Monitoring, rules and alarms for device status, as well as massive operations for firmware/software updates, diagnosis, etc.

Centralized management
Unify the inventory management of a large number of heterogeneous devices with OpenGate IoT Platform, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the management processes
Helping our clients to be the best at the moments that matter
We seek to boost the growth of Internet of Things technology, invest in innovation and engage with people..