Amplía Official Statement

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Amplía Official Statement

Amplía adheres to the recommendations and obligations issued by the Spanish government to carry out work activities by teleworking and to confine at home to reduce COVID- 19 spread.

We keep offering our services to our clients and technology partners through the following channels:

  • The majority of our staff is teleworking. They are available at their email addresses and mobile phones that you already know.
  • Our office phone +34 91 112 67 47 and our email address [email protected] are operational and at your disposal should you need to contact us (from 9.00 am to 14.00 pm).
  • We are attending regularly any incidents from our clients on the 24/7 phone that we have provided them and on this email address [email protected] as we regularly do.
  • Our commercials and technical staff are available to attend any demo request or doubt about our services, product OpenGate and prices by Amplía’s email addresses.

We hope all of you are good at home. Together will reduce coronavirus infections.

Kind regards,

amplía))) Team