amplía))) leads 'DEMETER', a new IoT project in the field of extensive livestock farming.

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amplía))) leads 'DEMETER', a new IoT project in the field of extensive livestock farming.

The Demeter project (named after the Greek goddess of agriculture) combines social, economic, agricultural and wildlife needs with the sustainable development of rural areas, using IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence). It includes the location and tracking of livestock and wild animals managed extensively with global coverage, analysis of animal behavior and health status, early warning systems and event prediction.

Last July 2023, amplia)))) started a new national project funded by CDTI, called ‘DEMETER: Sustainable rural development through optimized management of extensive livestock systems’, under the third call of the EUROSTARS-3 program (Action Intercompanies International).

Project objectives

The main objective of this project is to develop a management system that provides enriched information (intelligent event-based decision making) to different actors of extensive livestock farming in rural areas, improving their quality of life and productivity and the adequate and efficient use of natural resources. The DEMETER consortium is made up of a set of companies.

Consolidating the offer of solutions to traditional sectors, taking advantage of the potential of industrial IoT

The company wants to leverage this project for the following objectives:

  • Market presence, with new verticals for the digital transformation of the livestock and agri-food sector, and also other sectors, based on IoT.
  • Strengthen the relationship with strategic partners, both at a technological level (sensorization and communications), as well as in the agricultural and livestock sector.
  • The objective of the project is to obtain a demonstrator at TRL7 maturity level, which places the solution in a situation close to industrialization and commercialization.

DEMETER is a project co-funded by the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) through the third call for Eurostars-3 Projects (CoD3) - Interempresas Internacional (resolution October 2, 2023 of the CDTI Presidency). You can follow the progress and the latest news of the DEMETER project through the social networks and website of amplía))). Very soon we will bring you news about the project and our participation in it.

The amplía)))) innovation team.