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amplía))) leads 'DEMETER', a new IoT project in the field of extensive livestock farming.
By amplía))) | news , plataforma-iot , I+D+i
amplía))) participates in 'SecBluRed', a new project for a holistic approach to cybersecurity in Industrial IoT
By amplía))) | news , plataforma-iot , I+D+i
Official Papers of the MEWS Project where amplía))) Participates
By amplía))) | news , plataforma-iot , I+D+i
amplía))) Participates in 'MEWS', an IoT Project for Avalanche Prediction, Detection, and Notification
By amplía))) | news , iot-platform , I+D+i
amplía))) celebrates its 20th anniversary surpassing 21 million monitored devices
By amplía))) | iot-platform , news